The enemies of revival are an unwillingness to bend- a resistance to change- a stony heart and the attitude of Martha.
I’ve seen a lot of people doing a lot of things that look good on the outside but they do nothing to do the housecleaning that matters!
What do I mean by that? Martha was so busy “doing”, she was not sitting at the feet of Jesus. Rather than receiving what He had to offer- she wanted to tell other people what to do. Likely, when she couldn’t do that she tried to get Jesus to do it for her.
Such an attitude will make excuses all the time of all the things that need to be done to excuse us from spending time in prayer and reading God’s Word.
It is a spirit that distracts people from being able to prioritize so much so that it wants to control the priorities of others as well and criticizes others, because they are not martyrs like them.
Am I being harsh? As a dear friend said recently-I am only willing to bring this up because I had to be willing to be harsh in this way to myself.
I had the same problem only a couple of weeks ago.
To some this Martha spirit comes with these thoughts:
“Don’t you see all that I am doing? Don’t you even care the sacrifices I’m making for you?”
That is one of the ways this spirit speaks to us in our own minds.
To ME it caused these thoughts:
“Don’t you care that the legislators are doing this and that and the other thing and the whole world is…? You have to do this and that and or else! Hurry, hurry- do do do.
It is a bunch of do do.
It causes a spirit of panic and distraction to enter our minds that desperately seeks for an escape.
We need to have our minds renewed to receive the revelations from God for our lives to change! That can’t happen if we are too busy to allow God to minister to our hearts! These are things and people that demand that we pull our attention away from what should be our main focus.
This mentality wants us to be so hyper focused on “doing” and our own self- righteousness because “those people- whoever they are- that are so evil”- that we don’t take ask God to help us remove the speck from our own eyes so that we can see clearly what God wants us to focus on!
Does that mean that we should do nothing about anything?
No. It just means we cannot receive what we need from God to refresh our souls unless we take the time to allow God to do so. It is that refreshing that helps us to see.
Holy Spirit is not like a drive through automatic car wash. You can’t go to church and pay a tithe like you are paying the car wash attendant and expect to be coming out spotless.
We can go to a fancy shmancy meeting some where and feel good but it will not last. It is not any different from going out for a night in the town- thinking that things will be better because we have “relaxed”- when really we have just taken time for an “escape”.
The mindsets that caused us to fret about this that and the other things that were operating in us were silenced by the great speaking and/or music- and then come back with a vengenance.
So we can’t wait til the next one-
Unless we make the decision that we don’t want other people to do the work for us and no longer want to escape but want transformation in our lives and are willing to truly submit to listening to what God has to say to us one on one- there will be no permanent change.
It be another church service, another night out on the town that will keep us in a state of complacency to avoid the real changes that require time and a willingness to let go of mindsets that are resistant.
As a result we can become super productive and do more work in less time and God will provide the resources and or people for the work to be done!
God IS good! He does want to help us!
A heart that is so full of pride and inflexible that it will not listen will not allow change. That kind of heart will always seek for an escape- will always criticize others that they are not as good as them.
In the church such people are actually those that others want to avoid because they constantly are making them feel guilty about something or other.
I understand we all fight many of the same battles. They just may come in a different suit.
Everyone needs revival- because it calms the mind and resets the soul to the original functionality for its design by Our creator.
THAT is the great reset!
How can we do that? Make a commitment to worship without limitation!
It is what David in the Bible did that caused him to win time after time against his enemies.
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May the God of revival visit you today I pray- in Jesus name!